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Is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affecting your fitness goals?

December 13, 20225 min read

“I found that with depression, one of the most important things you could realize is that you're not alone.” - Dwayne Johnson

Have you ever fallen off your consistent workout routine during the end of the year? How about feeling sluggish and unmotivated, but don't know why? Of course we all have at some point in life, but did you know you may have been experiencing a form of depression; seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This condition is an ailment that affects your brain's functioning by altering the levels of certain chemicals.

The result? A persistent lack of energy. If you struggle with SAD during the winter months, it can make working out or even just getting out of bed seem like hell. Luckily, there are several things you can do to prevent yourself from falling into this trap — and they don't involve taking medication!

Winter Blues

With that said, here are 3 Proven ways you can stay on track for your fitness goals during the winter months! 👊

First, What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that usually occurs in the winter months; being one of the most common forms of depression.

The symptoms of SAD include sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness and difficulty sleeping or eating. You may also look pale during those months because you spend so much time indoors avoiding sunlight exposure that triggers brain changes responsible for causing your depression symptoms.

What causes seasonal affective disorder?

The brain changes can occur due to the changing levels of sunlight, vitamin D, melatonin and serotonin.

S.A.D is said to occur when there are low levels of serotonin and dopamine in your brain. Serotonin controls your moods and can affect your sleep patterns, appetite and energy level. Dopamine affects motivation, pleasure and pain perception.

Low levels of these neurotransmitters may be due to a lack of sunlight or vitamin D during the winter months which can lead to problems sleeping at night (insomnia), feeling lethargic all day long (sluggishness) as well as low self-esteem because you don't feel good about yourself right now. You begin to avoid doing things such as going out with friends or exercising regularly which would normally make someone feel better about themselves because they're doing something good for their body instead!

The effect of SAD on your health and fitness

Now that we understand the serious impact SAD can have on your mood, energy levels and sleep patterns—all of which play an important role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

What may you experience when suffering from SAD? You may experience fatigue, weight gain, muscle aches, and most of all a reversal of achieving our fitness goals. Additionally, the lack of sunlight during winter months could cause increased sensitivity to pain or discomfort. These symptoms make it difficult to work out at the gym or go for walks outdoors during daylight hours.

Depression solutions

Solutions! 3 Proven Ways to Stay on Track

Avoid SAD by getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

  1. Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is one of your body’s most important rejuvenating processes, but it also has an effect on mood and energy levels similar to light exposure in that it helps regulate the daily cycle of cortisol (a hormone produced by your adrenal glands) secretion. This means that if you don’t get enough sleep – or if you have trouble sleeping through the night – then you may experience signs of seasonal depression such as fatigue or general lethargy when daylight savings time arrives each year.

  2. Eat a balanced diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains like brown rice or quinoa instead of processed foods like pastas or white breads whenever possible; this will help ensure that your immune system stays strong throughout cold seasons so that symptoms associated with seasonal depression are less likely to appear in the first place!

  3. Exercise regularly. Exercise is one of the best ways to manage stress and boost your mood, but it can also be a great way to help ward off seasonal depression if you tend to experience symptoms every year around the same time; just make sure that you’re exercising in a way that you enjoy because otherwise it may not be as effective!

Other steps you can take to beat SAD symptoms.

If you're suffering from symptoms of sad, here are some other ways to shake those winter blues.

  • Meditation: This is a great way to combat anxiety, which is another symptom of SAD. Studies have shown that meditation can help you feel happier and more positive throughout the day. You don’t need to be an expert meditator either; just finding time in your day to “check in” with yourself throughout the day can help fight off stress and negative thoughts.

  • Sunlight: If you don’t have access to sunlight or don't like being outside during daylight hours, consider getting some light therapy lamps for your home. These are available at most drugstores and even on Amazon, but keep in mind that these aren't a substitute for being exposed to natural sunlight on a regular basis!

  • Supplements: Taking vitamin D supplements has been linked to better moods because they help regulate serotonin levels—the hormone responsible for managing our emotions—in our brains.* Talk therapy (counseling): Feeling down from seasonal affective disorder? Talking about it with someone else may be helpful; especially if you can find someone who understands what it's like going through this condition themselves!


Seasonal affective disorder can be a real vibe killer, but it doesn’t need to keep you from reaching your fitness goals. When the weather starts getting colder and darker, make sure to take extra care of yourself by eating well and exercising regularly. If you don't want to go at it alone get yourself an accountability partner, with one you are 95% more likely to stay consistent with achieving your goal.

Join our JAM Fam discord community that focuses on improving the quality of your life mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally through fitness with superior accountability to help you stay committed to reaching your fitness goals.

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Micah J. Matthews

Micah "Bravo" is a NASM certified personal trainer and performance enhancement specialist. His purpose is to improve the quality of your life mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally through fitness with superior accountability. Transforming that jelly into JAM!

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Built on a foundation of Action, Belief, Consistency and Discipline. I help improve the quality of your life mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally through physical fitness.

Not only is the program tailored to you,

Bravo truly wants to see you win! There have been days where the last thing I wanted to do was eat right or workout!

But then there’s Bravo like get it together let’s go!!

I’m down countless inches (but my booty poppin’) and almost at my goal weight! The Guidance, The Encouragement, The Community is top notch! He has a forever client in me and Im beyond grateful to be a part of JAM FAM!

- Tenisha

Not only is the program tailored to you,

Bravo truly wants to see you win! There have been days where the last thing I wanted to do was eat right or workout!

But then there’s Bravo like get it together let’s go!!

I’m down countless inches (but my booty poppin’) and almost at my goal weight! The Guidance, The Encouragement, The Community is top notch! He has a forever client in me and Im beyond grateful to be a part of JAM FAM!

- Tenisha

My fitness journey was a roller coaster of trial and error and even more error. So, I decided to step out of my male ego and get some professional help.

Every day working with Bravo I felt like I was going to DIE! Yes DIE but, it was a good thing.

Overall I knew the old unhealthy version of myself was dead!

Join the the JAM Fam ASAP!


Mike Lee

My fitness journey was a roller coaster of trial and error and even more error. So, I decided to step out of my male ego and get some professional help.

Every day working with Bravo I felt like I was going to DIE! Yes DIE but, it was a good thing.

Overall I knew the old unhealthy version of myself was dead!

Join the the JAM Fam ASAP!


Mike Lee

After my first stint w/ Bravo my body was so snatched I ended up pregnant shortly after that transformation!! Fast forward 2 years after the birth of my 2nd daughter, Bravo has once again been a vital key in my fitness success.

I am stronger, more disciplined, and making better food choices with his guidance. His expertise, guidance, accountability, and energy is unmatched!

Extremely grateful for what he has done for me and excited to see where his guidance takes me.


Krystal Dantzler

After my first stint w/ Bravo my body was so snatched I ended up pregnant shortly after that transformation!! Fast forward 2 years after the birth of my 2nd daughter, Bravo has once again been a vital key in my fitness success.

I am stronger, more disciplined, and making better food choices with his guidance. His expertise, guidance, accountability, and energy is unmatched!

Extremely grateful for what he has done for me and excited to see where his guidance takes me.


Krystal Dantzler

Just A Movement can change your life, Just A Movement can save your life!







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